Its here, and it might be on you. It has a purpose
and is related to “buying and selling” there is a riddle at Revelation
13 involving buying and selling, and a mark of a beast allows those who
obey the beast to buy and sell whenever they like. To solve the riddle,
we must correctly interpret the words wisdom and beast, and how buying and
selling is related to a mark. Essentially there is a distinction
drawn between those who engage in commercial activity, and those who
do not engage in it. The riddle must be interpreted by those having wisdom.
What is wisdom?
Pro 9:10: “the fear of yahuah is the beginning of
wisdom and understanding”.
Those who know yahuah possess wisdom and
understanding because they have his instructions for living: His Torah. They
are not lawless, so they obey (worship) yahuah. They have a sign that marks
them as Yahuahs people. The sign between Yahuah and his people forever is
the 7th day of each week. The shabath (sabbath, Ex.31:16,17, Ezek.20:12).
Shabath is a word that means “cease”. Commercial activity comes to a halt. Someone
might say, resting on the shabath day is ‘judaizing’, were not under the law. It’s
the penalty of the law were not under, yahuah took that penalty for us. No
mention of a change in the commandment exists I scripture, but Catholicism claims
the change made by Constantine is their “mark” of authority. When asked about
the end of days, yahuah said “and prey that your flight does not take place
in winter or on the shabath.” (mt.24:20) he wasn’t referring to Constantine’s
day of the sun, sun-day, nekemyah (Nehemiah) was the mayor/governor of Yerushalayim
when Koresh allowed the yadudim to rebuild the city after 70 years of captivity
in Babel. Read chapter 13 and note how people were engaging in trade on the
shabath, and why he put a stop to it. Commerce is forbidden on the shabath
under penalty of death. The beast system made it law to work on the shabath;
so, who’s your daddy- Rome (the beast) or yahuah?
The riddle at revelation 13 is unsolvable for those who do not have wisdom.
Those without wisdom are unable to interpret the number of the beast, and so
are looking for chips and barcodes – neither of which violate any
commandments engaging in commercial activity on the shabath day clearly marks
a person as being a servant of the beast, the primary scheme of the dragon.
The “forehead”. Our obedience of torah is the sign we serve
yahuah. If we engaged in commerce on shabath, we serve the beast. The beast is
set up as principalities and powers over all nations under its
authority, give to it by the dragon (serpent). The beast seeks worship, obedience,
and compliance, setting itself against Yahuahs torah. The beast endeavours to misdirect all people away
from Torah, and hide the true name of salvation, and his word (wisdom),
misleading the nations. Those without the beast’s marks do. Not buy
and sell by their own choice, nots the beats. Why would some choose to not buy
and sell by their own choice, not the beasts. Why would some choose to
not buy and sell, and who are they? They are covenant keepers, natsarim.
What or who is the beast? it operates in 3 layers
of control: clergy, nobility (rulers), and common people (laity).
To “measure” or “calculate” the wrong day for shabath is the main objective. Those
who adhere to the “sun-day sabbath”, can buy and sell (on the truth sabbath). Those
who do not buy and sell have calculated (interpreted) “the number”
correctly, and therefore do not profane the true sabbath. The beast doesn’t prevent
anyone from buying and selling, we decide not to buy and sell, but only on the
sabbath, the seventh day of each week. They choose to obey Yahuah – and do not
serve(worship) the beast.
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